The orchard of Ulysses is a young orchard where apples, pears, plums and soon walnuts and grapes are produced for sale in short circuits. The orchard of Ulysses also has an orchard to safeguard local varieties of apples, pears and other fruits on trees with high winds.
The objective of this orchard is threefold:
- to have a reliable source of clearly identified local subjects in order to safeguard local varieties in danger of extinction;
- to propose “forgotten” fruits adapted to local production;
- and to create a barrier to the North wind.
The safeguard orchard has the varieties:
- Apples Belle Joséphine
- Apples Faro
- Apples Châtaignier
- Apples Locard
- Apples Truth
- Apples Date
- Apples Queen of Reinettes
But also:
- Neves
- Nashi
- quince
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