Bakeries & Pastries

Fournil de la Bergerie Villarceau
Local organic bread

This bakery has been open since June 2017. Different types of bread are made from farm flour.

The mill of the Bergerie

The wheels are adjusted to grate the grain without grinding and without heating. The process takes longer, but the nutritional qualities and flavour of the grain are preserved. A sieve is used to adjust the blutage of the flour (the amount of bran in the final product).

The bread

Mike, the baker of Fournil de la Bergerie, applies Christian Rémésy’s method for the bread of la Bergerie, which involves a very long fermentation at room temperature with very little leaven (1g per kilo of flour instead of 150g usually). With 15 to 20 hours of growth, we obtain a bread that has more flavour, less acidity and can be kept even longer than traditional sourdough bread.

The bakery

In addition to the classic wheat breads (country bis and wholemeal bread), Geoffrey works on the production of special breads that will surprise you with their originality! Le Fournil de la Bergerie de Villarceaux is just starting its activity, its breads are available in our store since July. You can also find some other products of the Bergerie (honey etc…)

The products offered

  • Half-Wholemeal flour bread
  • Wholemeal flour bread
  • Rye flour bread,
  • Barley flour bread
  • Small spelt bread,
  • walnut raisin bread
  • etc….

Buy bread

It is preferable to order your products the day before noon by phone. You can of course come to the farm from Tuesday to Sunday from 4pm to 8pm to take your orders or buy your bread directly.

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100% Organic
Local products